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Our Story

     Here is our beginning. It started in 2003 after Ajarn Jom (Associate Professor Wiroon Sriborrirux), a lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University, graduated from Korea University, Seoul, South Korea.  

     Here in BDH (Bangsaen Design House), with the strong beliefs and faith of the Spin-off Group, we tend to create cooperation among upstream, midstream, and downstream of the process to create something meaningful for the society. Furthermore, we work with the belief that the knowledge from research and development could significantly impact society and the economy in the long run. We can promote the growth under the Business Ecosystem that leads to the well-built and sustainable development of the country in the future.


Opening Bangsaen Design House (BDH) Academy for IoT and AI Platform Playground at EAST Park (Regional Science Park, BUU)
Opening BUU-Infineon IoT Innovation Launchpad at EAST Park (Regional Science Park, BUU) 
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TEDxBuraphaU : 
Kin-Yoo-Dee Platform

Burapha University 

Opening Bangsaen Design House (BDH) Academy for IoT and AI Platform Playground at EAST Park (Regional Science Park, BUU)
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Opening BUU-Infineon IoT Innovation Launchpad at EAST Park (Regional Science Park, BUU) 
Chiang Rai Learning Innovation Center (LIC) MOU Ceremony

การลงนามในครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อร่วมพัฒนาศูนย์เรียนรู้ด้านสุขภาพ LIC (Learning Innovation Center) สำหรับใช้เป็นกลไกในการขับเคลื่อนงานด้านการดูแลสุขภาพของบุคลากรสาธารณสุข การดูแลสุขภาพผู้สูงอายุ และการดูแลสุขภาพประชาชนทุกกลุ่มวัย โดยร่วมมือกันพัฒนาทั้งด้านสถานที่ วัสดุ อุปกรณ์ ตลอดถึง ซอฟท์แวร์หรือระบบแพลตฟอร์มที่เกี่ยวข้องกับงานทางด้าน IoT Healthcare, Wellness & Wellbeing Smart Living & Safety และ Medical AI เพื่อให้เกิดการเชื่อมโยงกันของข้อมูลในมิติต่างๆ ที่จะนำมาขับเคลื่อนการพัฒนาระบบสุขภาพ ตลอดจนการพัฒนาศักยภาพบุคลากรสาธารณสุข และภาคีเครือข่ายที่เกี่ยวข้อง ในด้านการดูแลสุขภาพ ทักษะในด้านการใช้เทคโนโลยีฯ และด้านอื่น ๆ ที่จะนำมาขับเคลื่อนการปฏิรูประบบสุขภาพต่อไป

Official Launch for Core Platform as a Services

1. PremiumCare - Virtual Clinic and Telemedicine สำหรับคลีนิกและโรงพยาบาล

2. VxPACS - Medical Imaging Collaboration and AI Services สำหรับกลุ่มโรงพยาบาลและองค์กรทางการแพทย์

- Health Imaging Dataset Management and AI Model Training Studio สำหรับสำหรับกลุ่มโรงพยาบาลและองค์กรทางการแพทย์

3. DNA Testing for Healthcare and Wellness Programs สำหรับองค์กรและบุคคลทั่วไป

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Official Launch for Core Platform as a Services

1. Public Healthcare - Care Plan and Caregiver สำหรับตำบล/อำเภอ/จังหวัด

2. VAM Industry 4.0 AI-powered Machine Vision 

3. VAM Security & Surveillance for Smart City

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Platform Collaboration between Kin-Yoo-Dee Platform and NAVER Cloud on Healthcare and Medical AI Services

ร่วมจัดสัมนา "Digital Healthcare Transformation Conference Bangkok 2022 (DHTC 2022)" โดย NAVER Cloud ร่วมกับ กิน-อยู่-ดี แพลตฟอร์ม โดยมหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา ภายใต้การสนับสนุนโดยหน่วยบริหารและจัดการทุนด้านการเพิ่มความสามารถในการแข่งขันของประเทศ (บพข.) และองค์กรรัฐบาลเกาหลีใต้ (Global Partnership)

The 1st Top Ranking of World’s Universities with the Real Impact Ranking 2022 (WURI) on "Crisis Management"
The Winner Award of Technological  or Digital Innovation of the Year 

The Awards Asia 2022 (

Prime Minister Award 2021 - Innovation of Crisis

NIA : National Innovation Agency, Thailand

Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Holistic Platform for Living Care and Long-term Health Care Services

Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council by PMU-C, and Advance Innovation Center



Product presentation at CES 2020, Las Vegas, USA

Thailand Pavilion, GAX - Social Labs, ZaneGrowth and VAMStack

The finalist for WinWinWar Season 2

C asean, Baanlaesuan, and ZaneGrowth


The establishment of Bangsaen Design House (BDH) for the Spin-off (ZaneGrowth, VAMStack, iOrder)

15/133, Moo 5, Huai Kapi, Mueang Chon Buri, Chonburi, 20130

TEDxBuraphaU : 
Kin-Yoo-Dee Platform

Burapha University 


The "Special Surveillance Service System Project for smart city residents”

Huai Ngu Subdistrict Municipality, Chai Nat Province, Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (Public Organization), ZaneGrowth, and Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University. 



The paper presentation of Cryptography and IoT Smart Wearable at the IEEE Conference,

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University 

  • "Healthcare Center IoT Edge Gateway Based on Containerized Microservices". The 2020 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence (ISMSI’20) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7761-4/20/03), 24-29 

  • "Security of IoT Bluetooth for Health Indicator Measurement Systems Using Crypto Engine: Design and Implementation". The 10th ECTI-CARD 2018, Phitsanulok Thailand, 195-198 

  • "Adaptive Hybrid Encryption and Secret Mixing in Resource-and-Bandwidth- Constrained Systems". The 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2016)

  • "Hybrid Encryption Scheme for Digital Content with Key Partitioning and Secret Mixing: Design and Implementation". 10th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC 2015), 1-6.

WT | Wearable Technologies Conference 2019 ASIA

National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Wearable Technologies AG, and ZaneGrowth

Samitivej @Home

Samitivej Chonburi Hospital, Sansiri Public Company Limited, BAESLAB and Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University



Site visit for the national Smart Living & Safety Project by Innovation Hubs

Secretariat of the Conference of University Presidents of Thailand (SET Pa.), BAESLAB, and Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University

The ‘Smart City Living’ Pilot Project DELL, Intel, ICIC, SE-ED, 

Saensuk Subdistrict Municipality, and Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University

Intel Dell smart city to support older p


The 2016 IDC Smart City Asia/Pacific Awards 

Saensuk Subdistrict Municipality and Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University

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The Gold Medal Award & Special Award for the innovation “B-Fresh”

The Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart (INST 2015), Association of Polish Investors and Rationalizers, National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), and Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University




The paper presentation of Cryptography และ IoT Smart Wearable at the IEEE Conference

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University

  • "Unequal Security Protection: A Unified Framework, Implementation, and Performance Evaluation of Theoretical and Practical Security". The Tenth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2013

  • "Multiple Secret Key Sharing based on Network Coding Technique for Open Cloud DRM Service Provider". IEEE 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 953-959. 

  • "Real-time system for monitoring activity among the elderly using an RF SoC device with triaxial accelerometer data over a wireless sensor network". The 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (2014)

Spin-off Lab Team, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Batches of Embedded Systems R&D Lab to BAESLab

Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University, and SE-ED (Public Company Limited)



Winner Award from Global Android Dev Camp 

Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University

The prototypes for ‘Wearable’ by the 2nd Batch the Embedded Systems R&D Lab 

Team Embedded Systems Research Lab, Burapha University

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The 'Technology for Happy Life' Pilot Project by NECTEC

Cooperation among Saensuk Subdistrict Municipality, NECTEC (NSTDA), and Burapha University

Development Team for RFID Sensor Network and MovingEyes for ITS System

Faculty of Logistics and Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University

  • 20 inventions with high investment potential "RFID community" NSTDA The Thai Ministry of Science and Technology

  • 15 outstanding research "MovingEyes" at Thailand Research Expo 2011 (NRCT)




The cooperation among the 1vs100 game show developer

Endemol, and Kantana Group Public Company Limited

One of the largest game shows in the world has been broadcasted on Vietnamese television channels for more than five years and on Chanel 3 in Thailand. 



The Establishment of Embedded Systems R&D Lab

Department of Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University

Co-founder BAL-Labs Research Center

Faculty of Logistics and Faculty of Engineering, Burapha University



Copyright © 2020-2021 b BDH (Bangsaen Design House)

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